Fun shine Grab

Welcome to Funshinegrab! It’s a place you can get all the help you need in pursuing the vision and mission that God has put in your heart.

The work of God is not an option for the believer, but it is a compulsory integral of the journey of our faith. We were saved through the gospel, and we must save others as well through the same gospel.

The bible says:

“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?

  • Romans 10:14 KJV

We need to be the vessels that God uses to send his gospel to the nations and to the hearing of the unsaved.

Though some people have taken up the mantle to reach the world with the gospel of Christ no matter what, they may find one little challenge of funding.

We need financial resources in order to travel, to feed, and even help those who are also in need, showing them the love of Christ.

This is a place where we find as a mission, the equipping of the saints through a crowd fundraising system to meet their financial budget as they intend to spread the word.

Whether it’s an individual or a group mission to a village; or a church project; or even a country outreach mission that needs that financing, we are here to help.

No matter what big plans we have in mind; whether they be of God or even natural desire, we need knowledge and direction. [Proverbs 19:2]

You need more than just thoughts and desires to base your plans on. The verse says that not only is desire without knowledge a bad thing, but even making the plans on what to do with our own intuition and ideas is also going to fail us.

You need help on whatever projects you may want to embark on and the missionary work is no different.

This is why we exist; to be the support for people and groups who have a burden in their hearts for the great work of God. No matter how backed-up we are spiritually and emotionally, we always need the financial aspect in order to execute our great visions.

This is a crowdfunding website that helps people who want to do the work of God, but are challenged financially.

Paul teaches a spiritual mystery that, “He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly”, and on this ground, seeing that we understand the principles of the kingdom of God, we tend to sow into every ministry that is worthwhile.

The great commission was given to us as a command, and all who obey this command are rewarded by God Almighty.

The bible says:

“And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.”

  • Daniel 12:3 KJV

There is a blessing in store for us, because Jesus said,

“And everyone that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.”

  • Matthew 19:21 KJV

The world is full of darkness and gross darkness continues cover the earth. The bible says in the last days iniquity shall abound, and the love of many will wax cold.

Our mandate as believers is to turn many to righteousness by the preaching of the word.

God is not happy when a sinner dies without knowing him and receiving eternal life, but there is celebration in heaven when even just one sinner receives Christ and is made a new creature.

We have been saved, we have received a new life and a seed of righteousness, but this is not where it ends. The intention of God is for us to make others come to receive this newness of life and exemption from eternal damnation that we now enjoy as sons of God.

Missionaries are touring the world over, looking for lost souls to save. They are laying their lives for the love of Christ and the burden that the world be saved. They are going to dangerous territories every day without minding for their lives. They are not in this alone. This should be the first priority of any true believer who really understands the love of God and its saving power.

For whatever mission that the Lord has laid in your heart to do in bringing the lost to the fold, we will support your mission not only financially, but also prayerfully.

Get empowered by the donations of many Christians worldwide who know the burden of preaching the gospel and are willing to assist in the work of God.

The work of God is prospered through finances. You need to get to places, you need to feed, and you also need to feed those who are in need which is showing them the practical love of Christ.

We stand with you as you work with God and for God!

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i Welcome you all to my Online Journal

I welcome you to my online journal! You’re here in the right place where we talk about the truths of God’s kingdom that make our lives better day by day. This ministry is all about Jesus and His heavenly kingdom – and how it relates to us. It is my sincere desire that as many people as possible would come to know Jesus and His great love, power, wisdom and glory – and to this end, I will be putting up amazing and revelational posts here and I really do hope that you will be blessed and edified as you read them.

God has through His Spirit done a lot through me but no title is better than what the Holy Spirit did when He made me God’s ambassador, His go-to girl. So, every now and then as God’s Spirit inspires me, I will also be putting up posts on some of the things the Lord has done through me and in my life.

Please expect to be taught of the Lord as you read!

The power of repentance on emotional distress.

Isaiah 57:15 “For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.”

Repentance is an act that has weighty implications on your spiritual life. It seems like an ordinary word, but I want you to know that it’s very act is so powerful that it has real impact and effects in the spirit realm and also your mind. God says He only dwells with him who has a contrite spirit. The word contrite means; feeling or showing sorrow and remorse for a sin or shortcoming. To be contrite means to be repentant of a wrongdoing.

How to repent

The proper way to repent and be contrite is to talk to God by yourself. While it’s not a bad idea to talk to a friend, counsellor or a loved one, that is not repentance. Confessing your faults to a friend is not repentance. Confessing your sins to a parish priest or pastor is not repentance. And you don’t need an intermediary between you and God in order to repent! Here’s what you need to do, and let it be from the depths of your heart; You reach out to the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world and tell Him you’re sorry for your sins, mistakes, disobedience and wrongdoings. 1 John 1:7 ‘But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.‘ You ask Him to forgive you and cleanse you with His precious blood, then you ask Him to give you grace never to repeat that sin or mistake again. Yes, you also need to ask Him to give you strength to overcome whenever the enemy wants to tempt you in that particular area of sin or weakness you just repented of. Jesus Himself is your Advocate, and not your best friend, parish priest or pastor (See 1 John 2:1).

When to repent

Repentance is not an act you do only when you got saved and accepted Jesus into your heart and life. Rather, it is something you do as much as required. You see, in this life, there are many snares and temptations that the enemy (and the worldly system he rules) throws on the paths of God’s children, and at times, God’s children fall for it. That is one of the reasons why repentance is a continuous practice.

1) You repent every time you sin, err, or make a mistake. You are prone to mistakes often. You know, the Bible commands you to walk in the Spirit and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh (See Galatians 5:16). There are times you’re not watchful and the flesh kind of slips up on you! But at such times, the Lord expects you to repent, get up and move on!

2) You repent whenever you are disobedient to God. Many times, God’s children disobey His instructions, either deliberately or because of the cares and busyness of life. The devil, who is the spirit of disobedience (see Ephesians 2:2) also causes God’s children to disobey Him at times, and he achieves this by offering them a ‘seemingly better way’ which always ends up in trouble and affliction… The way out of such a situation is repentance!

3) You repent every time the Holy Spirit convicts you. There are times you’re wrong without knowing it. You miss it in this area or that area and you just don’t know that you’ve grieved the Spirit of God. He then begins to move in your heart and starts to stir your conscience. You begin to feel unrest in your heart, you seem to hear the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit in your heart trying to get your notice and attention to a particular issue… That is the Holy Spirit convicting you, and your proper response is to find out from Him where you’re wrong and then repent immediately!

Two (2) Fruits of repentance

Matthew 3:8 ”Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance”.

Repentance is humbling yourself before God, acknowledging His mercy and grace! That is why it is written that “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (see James 4:6)

If you humble yourself before God, you will have His grace and mercy manifesting in your life, and these fruits of repentance will be yours!

1) Repentance brings emotional peace and rest! This is a wonderful thing. Every time you turn away from sin, mistakes, or disobedience, one of the first things the Lord does is that He fills your heart and mind with His peace! A supernatural peace, that improves your total wellbeing. Divine peace, that protects your mind and emotions with a God-backed assurance. Philippians 4:7 “and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”.

The peace of God is divine and it gives total rest and calmness to the mind and emotions, it kicks out troubles, anxiety, fear, and emotional stress.

John 14:27 ” Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

2) Repentance shuts the door against the enemy! Yes, you might wonder how true this is… But I assure you, it is absolutely true. Remember, God is always drawn to the humble and contrite of heart according to His word in Isaiah 57:15 “…I dwell with him who has a contrite and humble spirit”.

When you repent before God, the door through which the enemy has been coming in to cause emotional distress and troubles is shut against his face! Repentance brings God in and takes the devil out. It deprives satan of any legal ground and in turn gives you the legal right to confront the devil and command him to take his hands off your mind and emotions!

Learn to do these things and experience the supernatural peace of God!